Thursday, December 29, 2011


It only boils down to a single point when it comes to dating someone you are attracted with: Will you be able to get him/her to like you, too? The LOVE and SEX thing will come in the picture later so there is no need to worry about that at the beginning point of your dating journey with the Sydney Escorts. Let’s face the truth. People, including you, just won’t talk to people whom they have a bad first impression with. Now, frustrated and unsuccessful men would bluster, “How would a girl I like be able to tell that she like me too if she doesn’t try talking to me?”

The obvious answer is that her mind already made an impression before even saying one word. That’s how first impressions are. She already decided to not like you without even talking.

You might raise an eyebrow when you think of what the not-so-good-looking guy dating the sent-from-heaven chick has that you don’t have. Well, the very first step and always the most important step is actually the step. Most Sydney Escorts would take it all on how a guy walks. It tells them a lot about that guy’s personality.

Oftentimes, Sydney Escorts would look on the more unconscious and involuntary actions of the guy. And, it is magnified on the body language of the approaching guy. You might not notice it but girls would be keen observers of your actions. Most of the time, the saying about how actions speak louder than words apply and often times, there are many simple things that guys do wrong.

Don’t let anxiety eat you. If you’re the type of person who tends to get anxious, you do not only feel uncomfortable but you also make it awkward for the other person to talk to you as well. Who wants to listen to someone with a shaky voice and jittery movements anyway? So, the very first rule is to work out to give the impression of being confident. Observe yourself on times when you are confident with what you are doing. 

Watch for your mannerisms and movements. Try to do this when you are approaching a girl you like. You smile easily, breath slowly not heavily, stand in a stance with feet apart and look confidently in her eyes. Do not stare because it scares her. These gestures often convey a positive impression with the Sydney Escorts.

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