Wednesday, December 28, 2011


When we speak of sex and dating, all things are as important as the others; even kissing. As Perth Escorts we can tell you that there is more to kissing that what it is in the movies. A kiss tells a lot of things about guys and the physical relationship will be clearer with the way a couple kisses. This article is intended for all the guys out there to help you turn a girl on with just a kiss. I should know as I am a girl myself.

For those who are first time kissers, the Melbourne Escorts say do not follow your libido. If you are kissing an extremely attractive woman, every nerve of your body will want to urge you to kiss her more which defeats the purpose of you wanting her to want you more. When it comes to kissing, the important key is to tease her and make her feel hungry for you.

Women just love it when they are rejecting men. It’s their naughty game. If you really want to turn a girl on while kissing, do not ever give her the chance to escape from you and reject you. Slowly draw back as if to tease the Perth Escorts that you are letting go. This will make her move forward and devour you with more kissing leaving rejection at the back of her head.  Make her feel that she is the offense player and attacking you and you are the one that is pulling back. But balance it so you won’t give the impression that you are not interested and worse, give the impression that you don’t feel like kissing her because you are gay.

Do not breathe heavily. Brushing your teeth or chewing a breath freshener gum candy is not an assurance to keep away from having yourself breath heavily. Most women, including the Perth Escorts, are turned off when a guy gives off his hot breath all over their faces. As you inch closer to her face, try to control your breathing and the amount of air you exhale. Follow the general rule that less is more.

For those who have already had a bunch of kissing time with hot girls like the Melbourne Escorts, another great and sure-fire way to turn her on is to relive and imitate your first kissing encounter. Try to remember every detail, your head movement, the intensity of the kiss and the emotion you felt during the first time. Women are emotion-based creatures so magnifying their emotions makes them feel better and more active.

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